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Conscious mi...
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A nice video published online last month sheds light on expertise and the Conscious mind.


Because our Conscious mind is occupied with daily life, we don't always think about the emotional significance of the day's events'u2014until, it appears, we begin to dream.


Cut your Conscious mind out of the loop.


My Conscious mind did not assimilate this very well.


Our mind is divided in two parts; Conscious mind & subConscious mind.

我们的意识划分为两部分: 显意识 及 潜意识.

Humans, of course, can breathe while the Conscious mind is asleep.

当然, 人类在有意识的大脑处在睡眠状态时能呼吸.

It's the job of the Conscious mind to figure out the relationship.


Typically, our Conscious mind is stubborn , inflexible and hard headed.


It contains a depth and dimension that are incomprehensible to the finite Conscious mind.


And that your sub - Conscious mind, being part of the Universal Mind , can know this, too.

而且你的潜意识, 作为宇宙意识的一部分, 也深知这些.

The Conscious mind is a vehicle for the expression of the soul in corporeal terms.


Dreams are a way for the subconscious to communicate with the Conscious mind.


But much the subconscious, it is tucked away somewhere beyond the grasp of the Conscious mind.

但是和潜意识很相像, 它被藏在有意识的心智所能把握的地方之外.

"Conscious mind"的基本信息





